first off our new investigator is doing amazing. he is doing everything we ask him to do. he is reading, praying, and going to church. plus all of the youth activities in the week. all of the youth love him and he loves all of them. today we are going to teach him the law of chastity and word of wisdom so if we can survive this lesson i think i will be able to see him get baptized before i leave this sector which would be sweet. plus when we first contacted him, his family didn’t want anything to do with us. now they are kind of progressing. the mom went to church yesterday and the dad wanted to go, but had to work so we will see how they turn out.
this week we found 5 new investigators so we will see what happens with all of them. some of them have a lot of potential. almost everyday we got into a house contacting which never happens. i was sooo happy. all of our work is paying off.
my comp is doing really good. in the first part of his mission i think he struggled really bad with homesickness and we were doing a lot better with that but now he took a little dive after the skype call so, hopefully we can get him refocused. but other than that, the kid is doing great. i love training him cause he is so teachable. he always wants to improve and do his best so it pushes me to work harder and do better.
it was good to talk to the family yesterday. i wish that i could do it more but i think i can survive until the next call for christmas. yesterday made me realize how grateful i am for my family. i truly am blessed.
View from the Salt Lake City Skype session
View from the Duarte Skype session
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