this was a pretty solid week.
we did a lot of contacting this week, and like i said in the last email, i am getting better at it. the nice thing about this sector is if we dedicate an hour or two of contacting, we can usually get into a house which is sweet. the problem is with this is we have soooooo many investigators, but none of them will progress!!!! we will have a sweet lesson with them where we feel like the Spirit is really strong and we will leave them with some thing to read or something and they say that they wont do it.... when we ask why, they say it is because they were born into a certain religion and they are going to die in that religion. it kills me. the only reason why they let us in is because they like our message about Jesus Christ but they don’t want to progress.
You can also see the video by clicking here or you can read the words in the video *below
You can read the whole talk by clicking here
the mission is becoming an emotional roller coaster. we will get into a house and i can understand them so i get all excited and cocky and then we talk to someone in the street and my pride goes right back down cause i couldn’t understand them. it is just up and down allllll day long. but this is good cause i am learning a lot about pride. my pride is something that i need to let go of. that is easier said than done. but i am losing it little by little.
every single person that hears that i am from Los Angles thinks that i am the coolest person ever. they all want to know what it is like, how cool it is, and how much do my parent make. they think that i am supppppper rich. well, i kinda am compared to them, but their love for the Gospel and Christ is much better because of how humble they are.
every time an elder hears that i have 5 sisters, this is usually how the conversation goes. “hey man, i just got dear johned last week and i get off my mission in 10 months. do you think that you could hook it up after i get off the mission?” oh no buddy. my sisters are offfff limits.
When i heard that i was going to be going to chile on my mission, i thought that my baptism numbers were going to be really high. but i am finding out that that isn’t true. if numbers defined how successful a missionary is, there wouldn’t be a good missionary in the church. what i am finding out is important is how obedient i am, how hard i work, and how much i love the people. so right now i am a pretty good missionary.
i know this gospel is true and i am doing the most important work that can be done on this earth. the book of mormon is true and i know that president monson is a prophet today. i love you all. thank you for your prayers.
*From the video by Elder David Bednar:
We believe the same Church founded by the Savior anciently has been reestablished on the earth by Him in the latter days. The doctrine, principles, priesthood authority, ordinances, and covenants of His gospel are found today in His Church.
When we invite you to attend church with us or to learn with the full-time missionaries, we are not trying to sell you a product. As members of the Church, we do not receive prizes or bonus points in a heavenly contest. We are not seeking simply to increase the numerical size of the Church. And most importantly, we are not attempting to coerce you to believe as we do. We are inviting you to hear the restored truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ so you can study, ponder, pray, and come to know for yourself if the things we are sharing with you are true.
Some of you may respond, “But I already believe in Jesus and follow His teachings,” or “I am not sure if God really exists.” Our invitations to you are not an attempt to diminish your religious tradition or life experience. Bring all that you know is true, good, and praiseworthy—and test our message. Just as Jesus beckoned two of His disciples to “come and see” (John 1:39), so we urge you to come and see if the restored gospel of Jesus Christ enlarges and enriches that which you already believe to be true.